AI Space Telescope
Embark on a cosmic journey through a captivating image gallery, where the realm of science fiction comes to life, courtesy of the extraordinary DALL·E 2 API. Every image in this curated collection represents a handpicked selection of my personal favourites, each a testament to the boundless creativity of AI-generated artistry.
AI Space Telescope Website
The images present on the website have been generated using OpenAI DALLE 2 API by providing space related prompts. Lots of different images have been generated from text prompts or reference images of previously generated images. Of these generated images only a few have been hand-selected to be shown on this website.
AI Space Telescope is a web-app developed using React, TailwindCSS, and TypeScript. Images are stored and served via Sirv, an image CDN which helps optimise images by serving images in the best format and size. The website is deployed on Vercel, and uses Cloudflare services for DNS, and security.