
Master's Group Project

An adaptable, heterogeneous IoT testbed, where I took the lead in developing the front-end user interface. This user-friendly platform empowers registered users to seamlessly upload, configure, and deploy tests and images on the testbed.


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With the advent of smarter, low-power wireless sensor hardware (or “motes”) along with the influx of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, researchers are leveraging these technologies to form the networks underpinning “smart” homes and cities. Of vital importance in this process are wireless sensor network (WSN) testbeds, which allow researchers to debug the firmware that runs on motes. A particularly challenging exercise is presented when combining heterogeneous wireless sensor hardware and proprietary IoT devices on a single network, enabling development of applications that interact with both motes and IoT devices. Whilst existing WSN testbeds permit the use of a variety of sensor hardware, they do not allow interaction with off-the-shelf IoT devices, which already have a strong presence in many households.

This report presents LucidLab, a WSN testbed designed to directly integrate IoT devices, facilitating the debugging of richer applications. In addition to the standard features of a WSN testbed, such as logging of output through a serial connection, LucidLab provides an adaptable architecture through simple and scalable addition of hardware. IoT integration is enabled using openHAB as an IoT substrate.

Users can control IoT devices on the network through scripts uploaded alongside firmware that interpret mote output to manage IoT devices accordingly. By virtue of LucidLab’s prompt logging process, mote output is quickly passed to the user-specified script, allowing responsive actuation of IoT devices. The proposed implementation provides a practical system combining IoT and WSN devices whilst offering a simple and intuitive deployment process, thereby enabling rapid testing of the applications forming the backbone of “smart”homes and cities


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Upload IoT controller page
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Mote RSSI Map
Mote RSSI Map
Mote CCA Charts
Mote CCA Charts